8.1 Releases


Released 06/06/2022


Release Notes

Important Upgrade Notes

An issue was found on the current implementation of the upgrade command. Please see the following page for more details: Upgrading SuiteCRM 8 - Section Possible Issues when Upgrading

Documentation added on how to configure sessions in SuiteCRM 8. See here.

Enhancements & Bug Fixes

  • PR: 110 - Fix #109 - Add force exit to upgrade process

  • PR: 108 - Fix #98 - Fix install error

  • PR: 107 - Fix #106 - Add session_dir init check

  • PR: 102 - Fix #101 - Parsing Error in UserHandler


We would love to have you feedback and input to help make SuiteCRM 8 Great for everyone.

Special thanks to the following members for their contributions and participation in this release!

SuiteCRM 8 marks our biggest SuiteCRM upgrade to date and we are very excited to be sharing it with you. In the coming months, we will continue to enhance SuiteCRM 8 with new features and issue fixes. For more information regarding this, please see our Road Map which will provide further information on what can be expected from future releases.

If you have found an issue you think we should know about, or have a suggestion/feedback, please Submit An Issue. Before raising an issue please be sure to check the Release Notes and list of Known Issues.

If you want to get involved or submit a Fix, fork the repo and when ready please Submit An PR - More detail for developers can be found here.

Check the following documentation page for more information on how to upgrade between SuiteCRM 8 versions Upgrading documentation

To report any security issues please follow our Security Process and send them directly to us via email security@suitecrm.com

More information regarding our Security Process can be found here.


Released 24/05/2022


Release Notes

Important: This release includes critical security fixes, we strongly recommend users of older versions to update as soon as possible

Important Upgrade Notes

  • New entries were added to the config. Please make sure to run Rebuild Config File located in the Administration > Repair menu

  • Php session_gc is now force enabled by default.

    • This option can be disabled by setting enable within the session_gc array to false in config.php

    • The values for session.gc_probability and session.gc_divisor can be changed in the following config.php entries within the session_gc array

      • gc_probability

      • gc_divisor

    • Check php documentation for more information on these settings https://www.php.net/manual/en/session.configuration.php

    • If you are using a session_dir other than the default, please make sure to have session_gc enabled. Otherwise session files won’t be cleaned.

    • If you are using debian or ubuntu based systems, and you have the default session_dir (which fallsback to the system default), you may want to set enable within session_gc array to false, as that is the default value for these systems. They have replacements for the php session_gc. Please review your system’s defaults before making any changes.

In-app configuration for session save-path is not supported yet in SuiteCRM 8. It is scheduled to be added on a future release.


  • CVE: Pending - SQL Injection Vulnerability

  • CVE: Pending - SQL Injection Vulnerability

  • CVE: Pending - SQL Injection Vulnerability

  • CVE: Pending - Improper Access Control

  • CVE: Pending - RCE and CSRF Vulnerability

  • CVE: Pending - Authenticated Bypass Vulnerability

Enhancements & Bug Fixes

  • PR: 95 - Fix #53 - Remove hardcoded dependency to en_us language. Fix error when en_us is disabled

  • PR: 91 - Fix #90 - Fix logout. Fix need to refresh after logout

  • PR: 89 - Fix #86 - Fix date filter operator mapping. Fix date filter operators

  • PR: 88 - Fix #87 - Fix language selection. Fix language selection being reset after login

  • PR: 84 - Fix #30 - Fix ApiBeanMapper id and link mapping. Fix custom relationship links

  • PR: 80 - Fix #78 - Subpanel close button issues. Fix subpanel close button that was leading to duplicate subpanels

  • PR: 9577 - Update TinyMCE

  • PR: 9583 - Fix AOR_Report Unit Tests

  • PR: 9578 - Update Jquery JS Libraries

  • PR: 8599 - Auto-close success message boxes in ModuleBuilder

  • PR: 9584 - Fix SCRM-Core#87 - Prevent disabling the default language

  • PR: 9523 - Fix #9438 - Adding Action keyword to fieldname exception

  • PR: 9495 - Fix #9494 - Force displaying line breaks to textarea fields

  • PR: 9580 - Fix #9435 - Dropdown doesn’t return empty selected value

  • PR: 9522 - Fix #9435 - Dropdown doesn’t return empty selected value

  • PR: 9589 - Fix #9530 - Fallback to allowed_preview defaults

  • PR: 9581 - Fix #3157 - Add default option to enable session_gc

  • PR: 9582 - Fix #9437 - Default cookie path


  • General Styling Fixes

    • Accounts Duplicate Screen

    • Surveys

    • Outbound Dialog and Editview

    • Password Management

    • Case Settings

    • Language Desktop

    • Roles Dropdown

    • Maps QuickRadius

  • Mobile Styling Fixes

    • History Subpanel

    • Activity Stream

    • Business Hours

    • Connector Settings

    • Admin Language

    • System Settings

    • Display Modules Settings


We would love to have you feedback and input to help make SuiteCRM 8 Great for everyone.

Special thanks to the following members for their contributions and participation in this release!

Special thanks to everyone who reporting the security issues addressed in this release!

mounta1n, Exodus Intelligence, Lekhang123lc

SuiteCRM 8 marks our biggest SuiteCRM upgrade to date and we are very excited to be sharing it with you. In the coming months, we will continue to enhance SuiteCRM 8 with new features and issue fixes. For more information regarding this, please see our Road Map which will provide further information on what can be expected from future releases.

If you have found an issue you think we should know about, or have a suggestion/feedback, please Submit An Issue. Before raising an issue please be sure to check the Release Notes and list of Known Issues.

If you want to get involved or submit a Fix, fork the repo and when ready please Submit An PR - More detail for developers can be found here.

Check the following documentation page for more information on how to upgrade between SuiteCRM 8 versions Upgrading documentation

To report any security issues please follow our Security Process and send them directly to us via email security@suitecrm.com

More information regarding our Security Process can be found here.


Released 24/03/2022


Release Notes

Enhancements & Bug Fixes

  • Add Recently Viewed Functionality

    • Display Recently Viewed in the Navbar

  • Add Favourites Functionality

    • Display Favourites in the Navbar

    • Add Favourite Flag to RecordView

  • Disable Legacy Actions

    • Alerts

    • Recently Viewed

    • Favourites Loading

    • LDAP Settings

    • SAML Settings

  • Add HTML field to RecordView

  • Permanently store User’s Preferences for ListView UI changes

    • Table Sort Preferences

    • Column Chooser Preferences

    • Insight Preferences

    • Filter Preferences

  • Permanently store User’s Preferences for RecordView UI changes

    • Subpanel Open/Close Preferences

    • Subpanel Insights Open/Close Preferences

    • Subpanel Order Preferences

  • Performance Enhancements

    • Delay splash screen for quicker performance

  • Trim event invite links


  • Favourite Star Styling

  • Update styling for User Wizard on mobile devices

  • Style Merge Records classic view

  • Update Admin Settings Styling

    • Locale updated on mobile devices

    • ElasticSearch updated on mobile devices

    • Search updated on mobile devices

    • Sales updated on mobile devices

    • Currency updated on mobile devices

    • System Settings updated on mobile devices

    • PDF Settings styling updated

  • General Styling Changes

    • Print PDF Settings popup

    • Email Confirmation popup

    • Campaigns

    • Calendar Popup

      • Invitee Panel updated to SuiteCRM8 Styling

    • Email Templates

    • Workflow

      • Fix Actions, Email & Calendar Styling

    • Projects

      • Resource Panel Buttons & Fields Updated to SuiteCRM8 View

    • Maps Config

    • Event Delegate Subpanel


We would love to have you feedback and input to help make SuiteCRM 8 Great for everyone.

SuiteCRM 8 marks our biggest SuiteCRM upgrade to date and we are very excited to be sharing it with you. In the coming months, we will continue to enhance SuiteCRM 8 with new features and issue fixes. For more information regarding this, please see our Road Map which will provide further information on what can be expected from future releases.

If you have found an issue you think we should know about, or have a suggestion/feedback, please Submit An Issue. Before raising an issue please be sure to check the Release Notes and list of Known Issues.

If you want to get involved or submit a Fix, fork the repo and when ready please Submit An PR - More detail for developers can be found here.

Check the following documentation page for more information on how to upgrade between SuiteCRM 8 versions Upgrading documentation

To report any security issues please follow our Security Process and send them directly to us via email security@suitecrm.com

More information regarding our Security Process can be found here.

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