./vendor/bin/pscss -s compressed ./public/legacy/themes/suite8/css/Dawn/style.scss > ./public/legacy/themes/suite8/css/Dawn/style.css
The following documentation is for SuiteCRM Version 8+; to see documentation for Version 7, click here.
For System Requirements see the compatibility matrix here
Setup php, mysql and apache
Please make sure that your apache
has mod_rewrite
enabled and that it is properly configured to allow for re-writes.
All SuiteCRM-Core api calls depend on this (calls to api/graphql
) if re-rewrites are not allowed you will get a 404
when calling the api.
Install composer
Install node and npm
Install angular cli
Install yarn: (https://yarnpkg.com/getting-started/install)
Run composer install
in the root directory
Run yarn install
in the root directory
Run legacy theme compile in the root directory
NOTE: the ./vendor/bin/pscss
is added as a composer dev dependency, so you need to run composer install
without --no-dev
./vendor/bin/pscss -s compressed ./public/legacy/themes/suite8/css/Dawn/style.scss > ./public/legacy/themes/suite8/css/Dawn/style.css
NOTE: Pre beta 2 steps
On SuiteCRM 8 Beta 2 version the legacy composer.json file has been aligned and unified into the Suite 8 composer.json file.
Hence, from Beta 2 onwards there is only one composer file under {Suite 8 Root}/composer.json
For SuiteCRM 8 versions prior to Beta 2 you need to:
Run composer install
in legacy directory (/public/legacy
Run legacy theme compile in the legacy directory (/public/legacy
NOTE: the ./vendor/bin/pscss
is added as a composer dev dependency, so you need to run composer install
without --no-dev
**./vendor/bin/pscss -s compressed themes/suite8/css/Dawn/style.scss > themes/suite8/css/Dawn/style.css
Set permissions (though these may need to be different depending on your setup)
find . -type d -not -perm 2775 -exec chmod 2775 {} \;
find . -type f -not -perm 0644 -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
find . \! -user www-data -exec chown www-data:www-data {} \;
chmod +x bin/console
Run yarn run build:common
or yarn run build-dev:common
(for dev environment)
Run yarn run build:core
or yarn run build-dev:core
(for dev environment)
Run yarn run build:shell
or yarn run build-dev:shell
(for dev environment)
Run composer dumpautoload
Go back to suite8 root folder
Run ./bin/console suitecrm:app:install
(or pass on the options, e.g. -u <admin_username>)
Note: before running the command make sure to create the database (the command will create the needed tables)
Re-set permissions on Suite 8 root folder
find . -type d -not -perm 2775 -exec chmod 2775 {} \;
find . -type f -not -perm 0644 -exec chmod 0644 {} \;
find . \! -user www-data -exec chown www-data:www-data {} \;
chmod +x bin/console
Set your web server DocumentRoot
to /{root}/{suitecrm-8}/public.
This is normally found in /etc/apache2/sites-available/applications.conf
From the suite 8 root folder
Run composer install
Depending on the changes you are working on you may also need to run the following
Run composer dumpautoload
Run ./bin/console cache:clear
From the suite 8 root folder
Run yarn run build-dev:common
Run yarn run build-dev:core
Run yarn run build-dev:shell
When building common, core and shell you need to build all in prod mode or all in non-prod mode.
Run yarn run test:core
The backend unit tests use codeception. You can install codeception
To run the tests do;
Run codecept run unit
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